
Fight Off a Cold with Herbal Supplements

With fall and winter rapidly approaching, it’s officially cold and flu season. While there are a number of things that you can do to ensure that you stay healthy throughout the end of this year and the beginning of the next, like staying warm and eating a well-rounded diet, taking herbal supplements are at the top of that list. Why herbal supplements? The easy answer is: because they work. There are a number of different options to choose from when you’re trying to stay healthy this winter, including the following:

Black Elderberry – Elderberry pills are filled with vitamin C. In fact, many of them contain up to 43% of your daily recommended value of this vitamin, making them a worthy adversary to those germs. Elderberry supplements come from the dark purple (almost black in color) berries of the shrub-like flowering plant. When purchasing elderberry vitamins, look for options that are easy to ingest, like sambucus elderberry gummies. Elderberry extract is another solid alternative. No matter which kind you choose, they should be made from cooked and processed organic elderberries.

Immune Booster – If you truly want to improve your immune system and make sure that you don’t get sick, you’ll need to find an immune support supplement, like one that contains both zinc and vitamin C. These two are powerhouses that combined, can help your body fight off just about any virus that it encounters. They are great for not only preventing colds and the flu, but they also make you feel better faster should you get sick. When choosing an immune system booster, look for combinations of various herbs and minerals, because you receive the benefits of everything that the supplement contains. For example, picking one that has elderberry with zinc and vitamin C may be more effective than one that’s just simple vitamin C by itself.

Zinc Vitamins – With that said, zinc by itself has a solid track record of helping you get over a sickness much faster. According to the experts, if you take a zinc supplement immediately upon showing symptoms, like those of a runny nose and nasal congestion, your illness will not last as long. Zinc capsules are a good option, although you can always look for zinc vitamins for adults that come in a compound with other vitamins and minerals. The key is to find zinc vitamins in an organic form, because all-natural versions are always better.

Whether you’re trying to fight off a cold or stop the flu from making you miserable for a week, immune support vitamins are your best bet. You have several options to choose from, including black elderberry, vitamin C and zinc combinations, or just plain zinc supplements by themselves. All have a solid track record of boosting the immune system.